The Brief
A Loma rebrand and new website preceded our statewide awareness campaign that reminded Californians about the universally positive aspects of $8 billion in annual economic impact from Indian gaming.
The Client
California Nations Indian Gaming Association (CNIGA)
The Challenge
Our mission was to remind Californians about the profoundly positive economic impact of Indian gaming across the entire state. Key audiences were likely voters, elected officials and media.
In a place as large as California, even a great message can get lost in the clutter. Working on a tight timeline with finite resources, we needed to ensure that every tactic was highly targeted and immediately impactful.

The Approach
Our solution was an ambitious outreach initiative named “Beyond the Casino.” A complete brand refresh and website revamp preceded a micro-focused, 3-month campaign designed to deliver information in a succinct, cost-effective and highly credible manner.
We produced 25 ‘real life’ videos and TV spots that combined emotional resonance with compelling facts. Our ‘digital first’ approach was supported by radio and traditional print tactics plus an enhanced social media presence developed in alignment with the new brand. We were able to create strong awareness within the surrounding communities of geographically diverse sovereign tribes while also seeing excellent results in major metropolitan areas.
Measurable Results
Immediate connection, long-term value. The campaign exposed nine of ten California voters to CNIGA messaging. A subsequent public opinion survey showed increased support for Indian gaming from likely voters, and organizational membership soon increased.
Campaign Tactics
Audience Reach
The Takeaway
Like every consensus-based organization, CNIGA values a partner who listens and then turns that knowledge into positive action. 30+ sovereign Tribes, one unified message. With results.
“It has been an absolute pleasure working with the Loma team!”
-Executive Director, CNIGA