The Brief

When an industry leader wanted to expand their world-best GPS tracking technology from man to man’s best friend, they turned to Loma.

The Client


The Challenge

Qualcomm is “Inventing the tech the world loves.” Could pets (and their owners) fall in love with the planet’s first GPS-based pet location system? We had to tell the two-legged consumers what it was, how it works and why they need it. And make the sale.

The Approach

Simple, really: have a dog explain the product. (Ok. Maybe not so simple.) Fortunately, we found a personable terrier named Skipper and let him take it from there. He starred in a series of online videos and integrated social media content that demonstrated the functionality, practicality and ultimate effectiveness of Tagg.

Step Two was a series of emotional user testimonials (featuring humans) who love the product nearly as much as they love their (found) pets.

A national broadcast campaign, augmented by extended online content, introduced four canine characters whose unique personas made them the ideal influencers. And inexpensive ones (paid in doggy treats).

Meet Lola. Her Facebook “Pawsonal” even encouraged pet owners to write their own personal ads to check their compatibility with this sultry seductress.

Measurable Results

Embraced by the pet loving public, Qualcomm’s Tagg-The Pet Tracker became a CES Design & Innovative Award honoree before being spun off as a shining example of the company’s promise to “enable a world where everyone and everything can be intelligently connected.”

The Takeaway

Doggone, some campaigns are just fun to produce. This one used humor to make some rather serious points about pet protection. It’s fun to be funny, especially when it’s also effective. That was true here, and with creative we’ve produced for clients like AAA, DirecTV, DXC, GameStop, Google and (yes) your friendly federal government. Woof.


–The Tagg Team

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