DHS Science & Technology is
looking for a few good startups

DHS Science & Technology is looking for a few good startups. We’re here to spread the word.

The Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) provides rapid, non-diluted funding for innovative technologies to defend the Homeland. Put simply, that means a uniquely attractive opportunity for startups and entrepreneurial ventures to partner with Uncle Sam.

Loma was tasked with positioning the SVIP vision to reflect the culture, sensibilities and no-nonsense financial realities of today’s highly competitive “get it done” business environment. Nothing sells success like success, so our first-person narrative is driven by enthusiastic program participants speaking directly to the startup community, supported by the stakeholders and DHS innovators with whom they engage.

Through SVIP, “government speed” has now morphed into the “speed of business.” The result? Your tax dollars at work–quickly and effectively.